Photo by Jessica Fritz Miller

Share Your Passion

Workshops at events are a wonderful way to share knowledge among our community. It is up to us to educate each other and spread our joys and passions. If you are enthusiastic about a topic, chances are someone else in the community will share that enthusiasm. Please consider becoming a part of our sharing and learning community by offering a workshop or class!

Our presenters are an incredibly important part of each event! If you have ideas for a workshop or programming that you would like to share with the Wisteria, please click below to fill out an application. 

Guidelines for Workshops:

Can be 45-90 minutes. If you need more time, consider offering a multi-part workshop. 

Some sites have electricity available; most do not. Keep this in mind when selecting a workshop location.

We request that only special or ritualistic workshops  in the evenings, please keep this in mind when selecting a time.

Once you submit your application, you can expect an email in 5-7 days confirming we received your application. Once the application deadlines have passed, we will review, schedule and discuss placement of our programming and you will receive a second email in mid-late September regarding your workshops time and place. Upon arrival, you will be given a program which will list your workshop’s location. 

Note that if you are chosen to present a workshop at an event, you will be supplied with free entry for yourself and one other guest.

Information On Our Workshop Sites:

Hickory Grove: Located in the woods next to Main Stage, Hickory Grove is a shaded location and a popular spot for workshops. There is no electricity at this site.

Stone Circle: Stone Circle offers a spacious, flat, open-air space with a fire pit in the center that can be used for workshops or rituals. The circle is marked with Oak trees at the cardinal directions. During the day, this is a full sun location. There is no electricity at this site.

Spirit Circle: Located at the end of Shrine Valley, Spirit Circle offers a workshop space in the woods with a fire pit in the center. This is a popular spot for rituals as well as workshops. There is no electricity at this site.

Pavilion: The Pavilion is a central location that offers shade and shelter. The Pavilion has the advantage of available tables and chairs as well as screen projector/sound capabilities. This is an ideal spot if your workshop or presentation features a PowerPoint or slideshow. There is electricity at this site.

Green Man Tavern: Green Man Tavern offers a stage, sound capabilities, and seating. Due to Happy Hour times and live performances, available slots for Green Man Tavern are very limited. Contact if you would like your workshop or presentation to be hosted in Green Man Tavern. There is electricity at this site.

Paw Paw Fire and Drum Circle: Paw Paw Fire and Drum Circle is located in the woods and offers some shade and soft, sandy ground. There is no electricity at this site.

Heart Hearth: Heart Hearth is a central, grassy area located across from the Pavilion. This is a full sun location. There is electricity at this site.

Main Stage: Main Stage offers a sheltered and open-air workshop space. There is electricity at this site.

If you have questions about workshop spaces, please contact